Designing A Multimedia Tool Kit
We created a Multimedia Toolkit to communicate the achievements of “Free Our Voices” Campaign and build a resource for child helplines around the world to build their own partnerships and use in their campaign and advocacy.

They coordinate information, viewpoints, knowledge and data from their child helpline members, partners and external sources. This exceptional resource is used to help and support child protection systems globally, regionally and nationally, and to help their members advocate for the rights of children and amplify their voices.
The toolkit includes the many achievements of the Free Our Voices campaign, and provides information on the types of partnerships child helplines can undertake, in the form of videos, images and sample texts for web and social media. You can reach the toolkit from the link.
We prepared this video to tell the story of the campaign, celebrate its achievements and create a source for child helplines around the world to help them build new partnerships.
We prepared this video to tell the story of the campaign, celebrate its achievements and create a source for child helplines around the world to help them build new partnerships.

This project contributes to 3 SDGs and as Bumbuku we are trilled to be part of this contribution.