Imagine everybody at work participates in preparing a unique collective story and work towards telling it in their own departments. Can you imagine how much harmony, collaboration, and action it can create within the organisation?
Or imagine everyone in your organisations, knows the best way of communicating their specific task, data or project. How much time you can gain?

The training has two parts. The first part consist of theory and verbal exercises. The second part is planned for hands-on exercises to practice telling a story visually. Our trainees use clays, color pencils and legos to experience communicating their message visually and understand the mindset of visual storytelling.

In our training, we covered neurology of storytelling, organisational storytelling and communication, increasing impact through storytelling, visualising and digitalising a story. We planned this training with fun and active hands-on exercises as you can see in the photo. This way, our attendees practiced how to visualise their stories and share it with others.