Child Helpline International is an international network of child helplines with 181 members from 147 countries. They had a two days event with several workshops in a beautiful location by the sea in Wijk aan Zee in the Netherlands. We conducted a half day Organisational Storytelling Training focused on social impact and storytelling for and about children. It was a brilliant group of 25 people, passionate about helping children all around the world. In our training, we had covered neurology of storytelling, organisational storytelling and communication, increasing impact through storytelling, visualising and digitalising a story. We planned this training with fun and active hands-on exercises as you can see through the photos. This way, our attendees experienced to visualise their stories and share it with others.
Since all the change-makers attending our training were working in the same organisation for the same cause, we organised the exercises to increase their organisational storytelling skills. The ones who know the story of an organisation best, are the ones devoting all their time, energy, intellect, creativity and skills for this organisation. Hence, they tell the most valuable stories in their organisation through their personal experience in the past, from ideas and questions concerning the present, and from a personal vision about the future.
Storytelling is a form of communication that can be learned through training, planning and practice , and all organisations can benefit from storytelling. Imagine everybody in an organisation is participating preparing the same unique story and working to tell it in their own departments, can you imagine how much love, harmony, collaboration, action it can create within the organisation?
Ps. Do you want to know more about storytelling for social impact? You can download our Digital Storytelling for Social Impact Guide-I.